Repeal the Patriot Act | From the Trenches World Report

Sep 11, 2001 Repeal the Patriot Act – freedombunker Mar 04, 2020 Napolitano: Repeal the Patriot Act | National Editorials

May 22, 2015

Congress must decide whether to renew a key part of the Jan 27, 2020 Do you believe the Patriot Act should be repealed Yes, The Patriot Act should be repealed. How the Patriot Act ever passed is a mystery to many Americans. One day they were just told of the new law's existence and its ability to record the private details of many American lives. It is a gross infringement on civil liberties and should have never existed to begin with. Thus, The Patriot Act

Mar 05, 2020

Do you believe the Patriot Act should be repealed