I had done a "speed test" on www.speedtest.comcast.com. It outright told me my speeds were fine. 90 DL, 10 UP. Sure. Right. I know for a fact that it's incorrect. Whatever. www.speedtest.com is the same thing. So they tell me to do a test on the same site and send them the results. Suddenly, my download speed is 45 and my upload is still 10. Weird.

Windows 7 slow file and internet browsing. - Page 2 Apr 21, 2012 Slow Upload Speeds on TMG2010 sp2 rollup 2 Aug 30, 2012

I ran a speed test from speedtest.comcast.com and broadbandreports.com. Both ran from Comcast's Wash. DC server. speedtest,10.51 mbs download/4.04 mbs upload Broadbandreports 2.4 mbs/2.8 mbs. why

Jul 26, 2013

Aug 30, 2012 · When I try to run the speed tests (www.speedtest.net and speedtest.comcast.com ) behind my TMG SP2 Rollup 2 firewall I get 100 Down/ 50Up. Seems like there is something stopping the upload speed. I've read the articles about increasing the buffer size but I'm not on the patched version of TMG2010 to be relevant.

Don't tunnel IPv6. Just wait for native (and nag your ISP for it). There is so much IPv6 tunneling that it makes stats look like IPv6 is slower than IPv4 and then people start saying it's because of all the overhead of the larger addresses and my brain starts to implode. It's nice because speedtest.comcast.com will test both IPv4 and IPv6 separately during the same testing session and show you the separate speed of each protocol. Edit: Don't knock my download speed.