Proprietary License is a legendary submachine gun in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Hyperion. The Proprietary License is exclusive to the Bounty of Blood DLC for Borderlands 3 and is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source. A little from Column A, a little from column B. – Fires a four-round burst. Shots that hit enemies leave a sticky bomb that detonates after a short while. Critical

Proprietary articles are items that are manufactured and marketed under an exclusive right. Municipal corporations have a proprietary function, a term describing the duty or capacity of a city to enter into business ventures or to perform discretionary acts in the best interests of the citizens. List of operating systems - Simple English Wikipedia, the The first proprietary computer operating systems. Apple Computer (first version was firmware with Integer BASIC; later versions had Microsoft BASIC) Business Operating System (BOS) - cross platform, text-based; Commodore PET, Commodore 64, and Commodore VIC-20, First IBM-PC had 3 OSes to start, UCSD P-system, CPM-86, PC-DOS What is proprietary data? definition and meaning Proprietary data may be protected under copyright, Dictionary Term of the Day Articles Subjects BusinessDictionary Template:Proprietary - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Proprietary software is primarily commercial software that can be bought, leased or licensed from its vendor/developer. In general, proprietary software doesn't provide end users or subscribers with access to its source code. It can be purchased or licensed for a fee, but relicensing, distribution or copying is prohibited.

A proprietary information agreement (“PIA”) is a legal contract that specifies certain information and/or materials that the parties to the agreement are to keep secret or confidential. As an example, proprietary information might be acquired by someone who is hired to work in a project development lab, should his job involve projects that Proprietary Information, as defined on Laboratory Wiki, is any information that is legally owned by any for-profit company. It is distinguished from intellectual property on Laboratory Wiki because many universities consider discoveries made within their purview as their legal property, and ask scientists to sign disclosure forms to prevent independent management of such discoveries

Welcome to Alpine Linux Wiki. Alpine Linux is a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and Busybox. Here is a more detailed overview of what makes our distribution distinctive; and a comparison with other distros.

pro·pri·e·ty (prə-prī′ĭ-tē) n. pl. pro·pri·e·ties 1. a. Conformity to conventional standards of behavior or morality. b. proprieties Socially correct usages or Definition of proprietary information: Information that is not public knowledge (such as certain financial data, test results or trade secrets) and that is viewed as Jun 30, 2019 · Proprietary technology is a series of processes, tools, or systems owned by business or individual, which provide the owner with a benefit or competitive advantage. Since proprietary technology is This page describes the closed-source, proprietary driver created by nVidia themselves. See the nv page for a description of the open-source driver created by Mark Vojkovich and maintained now by Aaron Plattner. The new proprietary driver from Nvidia is easier to install than prior versions as Nvidia has shifted to a single file for installation. Black’s Law Dictionary defines ‘proprietary’ as meaning: Of, or relating to, a proprietor. Of, relating to, or holding as property. Proprietary information is information such as financial data, test results or trade secrets that is viewed as the holder’s property and that they wish to keep from becoming public knowledge. プロプライエタリ・ソフトウェア(英: proprietary software )または 私有ソフトウェア ( しゆうソフトウェア ) とは、ソフトウェアの入手、使用、改変、複製などに関する権利を議論する文脈で用いられるソフトウェアの種類についての用語。