How do I view, edit, and disable Google search history?

For some reason, Google doesn't let you go to a specific date in your Web History, but the unofficial Google blog site has a solution: Convert the date you want to go to into an epock timestamp Can anyone see my internet history from some other source Yeah it can be done by phishing and spying there are a lot of apps available on play store which u can install on targets mobile/ pc and then hide and u can do literally what you want to. Apart form that from professional point of view you can see Your Google Location History: How to See It and Turn It Off Aug 27, 2014

How to view and delete your Google search history

How to review and delete your Google search history Oct 25, 2018

Your Google Ads account contains a history of changes that shows what you've done in the past. This change history can help you better understand what events may have led to changes in your campaigns' performance. You can see up to 2 years of changes. This article explains how to find and use change history in your account.

Google Maps keeps a record of everywhere you navigate, and the app makes it easy to see your location history, complete with the exact routes you took to get there. If you have privacy concerns How to check your Google Assistant history | TechHive