GNU General Public License (GPL) GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL) MIT license; Mozilla Public License 2.0; Common Development and Distribution License; Eclipse Public License version 2.0; All Approved Licenses. Many other licenses are also OSI-approved, but fall into other categories, such as special-purpose licenses

Jul 22, 2020 What are the key differences between the GNU General The brief summary: In the event you distribute code or a binary that includes code with one of these license, your obligations differ. In the case of the MIT license, you are obligated to provide attribution with your code or binary (e.g. say "thi OpenJDK: GPLv2 + Classpath Exception

GNU General Public License, GNU GPL (česky „obecná veřejná licence GNU“) je licence pro svobodný software, původně napsaná Richardem Stallmanem pro projekt GNU.GPL je nejpopulárnějším a dobře známým příkladem silně copyleftové licence, která vyžaduje, aby byla odvozená díla dostupná pod toutéž licencí. V rámci této filosofie je řečeno, že poskytuje

License Index. License Approval Process; License Information; Origins and definitions of categories from the License Proliferation Committee report; In the lists below, a parenthesized expression following a license name is its SPDX short identifier, if one exists, except for two items in the first list (GNU General Public License and GNU Lesser General Public License). Feb 12, 2019 · GNU Affero General Public License: copyleft software designed specifically to work with network server software and the community. GNU General Public Licenses: also known as GPL or GNU GPL, the GNU General Public license is one of the oldest and most widely used copyleft license. The link takes you to older versions of the GPL. There are two licenses affecting GNU libstdc++: one for the code, and one for the documentation. There is a license section in the FAQ regarding common questions. questions, ask the FSF or the gcc mailing list.

Gnu Ada Translator (GNAT) Pro Ada Software and Licenses

The GNU Free Documentation License (GNU FDL or simply GFDL) is a copyleft license for free documentation, designed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) for the GNU Project. Nov 02, 2016 · The GNU General Public License exists to protect the liberties of software creators and users alike. If you should know, there are several other open source licenses too, some of which claim to offer even more freedom than the GPL (such as Mozilla Public License , BSD Licence , Apache 2.0 License , etc.).