2020-5-22 · Reverse DNS Lookup [] DNS Lookup과 반대로 IP주소를 통해 도메인을 조회할 때 사용할 수 있다. 서버가 속한 DNS에 PTR이 활성화되어 있어야지만 사용할 수 있다. $ nslookup

2020-7-21 · Le Domain Name System, généralement abrégé DNS, qu'on peut traduire en « système de noms de domaine », est le service informatique distribué utilisé pour traduire les noms de domaine Internet en adresse IP ou autres enregistrements.En fournissant dès les premières années d'Internet, autour de 1985, un service distribué de résolution de noms, le DNS a été un composant essentiel Domain Name System - Simple English Wikipedia, the free 2020-7-14 · The Domain Name System (DNS) is a system used to convert a computer's host name into an IP address on the Internet. For example, if a computer needs to communicate with the web server example.net, your computer needs the IP address of the web server example.net.It is the job of the DNS to convert the host name to the IP address of the web server. HTTP rDNS | NGINX

The Domain Name System, otherwise known as DNS, is a key component of the Internet. To clarify, DNS is the resolution of a domain name to an IP address. Moreover, for those of you who are not aware of how it works read on to learn the basics. The forward lookup, or simple DNS lookup, is the most

2020-7-9 · Domännamnssystemet eller DNS (från engelskan: Domain Name System) är ett system för att förenkla adressering av datorer på IP-nätverk som till exempel Internet.Det kopplar ihop domännamn (av typen www.example.com) med IP-adresser (av typen, som används för den egentliga kommunikationen. Domännamnssystemet används också som en mer generell databas. CNAME record - Wikipedia 2020-7-14 · A Canonical Name record (abbreviated as CNAME record) is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) which maps one domain name (an alias) to another (the canonical name).. This can prove convenient when running multiple services (like an FTP server and a web server, each running on different ports) from a single IP address.One can, for example, point ftp.example.com and …

2020-6-22 · DNS lookup client. Applications perform DNS lookups with the aid of a DLL.They call library functions in the DLL, which in turn handle all communications with DNS servers (over UDP or TCP) and return the final results of the lookup back to the applications.. Microsoft's DNS client also has optional support for local caching, in the form of a DNS Client service (also known as DNSCACHE).

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (Redirected from A record) Jump to navigation Jump to search. This list of DNS record types is an overview of resource records (RRs) permissible in zone files of the Domain Name System (DNS). It also contains pseudo-RRs.